Xiang Li

Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (complete CV is here)

NES 107, University of South Florida

Tampa, Florida 33620 USA



Human Mobility , Disaster Resilience , Climate Change , GIS, Big Data & Remote Sensing of Environment


University of South Florida

Ph.D. (ongoing), Geography and Environmental Science and Policy

2022 - Present

Northwest University, China

M.S., Cartography and Geoinformation

2018 - 2021

Northwest University, China

B.S., Physical Geography

2014 - 2018


Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of South Florida

Department of Geosciences

2023 - Present

Graduate Research Assistant, University of South Florida

Department of Geosciences

2022 - 2023

Research Assistant, Northwest University, China

Labs website

2021 - 2022



  • AAG Annual Meeting, Mar 2023. Intergrated multi-source geospatial data to model evacuation decisions and routes in Hurricane Ian.
  • Google Earth Engine (GEE) Workshop, Dec 2022. Storymaps link
  • Northwest University Graduate Academic Activity Month Conference, Nov 2020. Second prize, Introduced a study of glacier changes on the Pamir Plateau.
  • Northwest University Graduate Academic Activity Month Conference, Nov 2019. Third prize, introduced a method for automatic classification of vegetation mapping by UAV.

Professional Memberships

  • Association of American Geographers (AAG), 2022-Present
  • GIS Club at University of South Florida, Vice President, 2023-2024


  • National Undergraduate Innovation and EntrepreneurshipProject, 2017-2018. Project leader, completed as a college student innovation national project. Set up an e-commerce company and operated in the local area.
  • 'Challenge Cup' National College Student CurricularAcademic Science and Technology Works Competition, 2016-2017. Project leader, won the third prize at the provincial level. Reconstructed 3D images using UAV and developed an APP to achieve the whole processingautomatically.


  • GEO3164 - Research Methods in Geography


  • Reviewer of International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.


Using Human Mobility Data to Detect Evacuation Patterns in Hurricane Ian, Xiang Li, Yi Qiang and Guido Gerveno,

under review

Automated Glacier Snow Line Altitude Calculation Method Using Landsat Series Images in the Google Earth Engine Platform, Xiang Li, Ninglian Wang and Yuwei Wu, Remote Sensing


May, 2022

Summer surface temperature change of Greenland Ice Sheet from 2000 to 2020 and its effect on mass balance, Zhenxiang Fang, Ninglian Wang, Xiang Li, Yujie Zhang, Xuenan Tai, Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology


August, 2022

Experiment on 3D Reconstruction of Small Four-rotor UAV Series Images, Xiang Li, Shiqiang Zhang, Qian Liang, Remote Sensing Information

Feb, 2020

Glacier Changes and Its Response to Climate Change in the Gilgit River Basin, Western Karakorum Mountains over the Past 20 Years, Wei Zhang, Ninglian Wang, Xiang Li, Kai Liu, Mountain Research

June, 2019


USF Graduate Fellowship

University of South Florida


Outstanding Master Graduates in Department of Geography and Environment, Northwest University, China

Northwest University, China


Outstanding Bachelor Graduates in Northwest University, China

Northwest University, China


National Scholarship, China


National Undergraduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Project

Project leader. Completed as a national project


'Challenge Cup' National College Student Business Plan Competition

Project Leader. Third Prize in Shaanxi Province and first prize in Northwest University


Students' 'Internet+' Innovation Entrepreneurship Competition.

Project Leader. Third Prize in Shaanxi Province and second prize in Northwest University


Complete CV is here